About Us

I would like to introduce you to one of the loves of my life Buddy, my loyal companion and muse. Dreams do come true and adding Buddy to my family was just the start.

In 2020 I was fortunate enough to find him. On a chilly Seattle Saturday in November, the weekend before Thanksgiving. Three days later I had him in my arms and was filled with joy and gratitude.  That is when the real fun began as a new dog owner. So much to sift through. Who doesn’t love a new puppy?? Making him feel at home as a new member of the family, getting to know him and what he likes, his breed characteristics there was just so much to unpack.  This was just the start of how he became a SPOIL’D FUR BABY, and the concept came to life.





A recent acquaintance posed the question,” Who saved whom?”  I had to ponder as it was a great question at this time in life...

I wholeheartedly say it is a bit of both.  The unconditional love, companionship, millions of smiles, interactions from strangers, and all the new friends we have made is testament that we saved each other.




As the story goes...We live in the city and on one of our daily walks during the Christmas season of 2021, he was looking all festive in his Santa sweater. We were minding our own business at the corner light waiting for it to change when a random stranger, ran out of the bank with laptop in hand. I kid you not, she came out and just wanted to say hello and pet him.  She mentioned that he looked so adorable in his Santa sweater! Pets offer so much love and connection that people light up. This is how the concept of SPOIL’D FUR BABIES was born.  There was something magical in this moment that spoke to me.  What if you had an accessory that matched your fur baby’s sweater? After all, twinning with your loved ones (pets included), is “a thing” during the holiday season. Or for that matter, why not every season??





My mind went immediately went into overdrive as I have been in the clothing business for decades.  Working on developing product for some of the biggest retailers in the USA.  I thought why not, as crazy as it may sound???   I’ve experienced how dogs have enriched my life as well as others that we did not even know.  The smiles from other humans were plentiful.  What if we built a brand that could create even deeper connections between dogs and their beloved humans and others.  Not to mention all the great photo ops! Who is saving whom now?  





We would like to welcome you and your fur baby into our family and hope that our creative fun products will bring joy and laughter in your home. As well as create many great memories.  Who doesn’t love a great photo moment as well? We look forward to seeing your pictures and connecting with you!


Lisa & Buddy



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